wwhen you take a mortal rate of 1 % per year it will be in 4 years about a quarter million who died so it is netto about 600.000 that left the "truth".
And you must add to the publishers the 15-minute regulation of old publishers, I guess it is mayebe another 10 % of the whole sum.
So we can compare with the figures in 2000 where there was no 145 min regulation and those old pubs did not cout. that leads to the recognition that WT has lost about 1 million of publishers in real.
They shaped the figures by the 15 minute activity and make the public known that they still are increasing.
But the blessing from above does fail - surely because of the UN-NGO thing, the worldwide activity to become accepted and tax subventioned church.
What WTS was in the early 70ies it is no more. They show engagement to survive in a world of discouragement.
There are no figures to believe in 1914 and its generation is off. The real truth - Zecharaja chapter 7 and the devastation of Jerusalem 70 years before - in 587 b c - is not tought
as then all the stuff of doctrine must be change. And the cream in the coffee is, that you may take your blood, saved by the cell-saver, take it out of the circuit and let it may be radiated beecause of cancer - then anfter hours you can take it again into your venes and it is no blood transfusion in the sight of WTS.
But take your blodd before an operation store it and use it in case of danger - that is sin.
Wash my fur but dont make me wet means the same.
they should repent in sack and ashes. But they dont - like the leaders of Judah, Israel and Jerusalem - before they were destroyed.